Download Voltron Season 7

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Oct 29, 2018 - Watch online and download Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 7 cartoon in high quality. Various formats from 240p to 720p HD (or even 1080p). HTML5 available for mobile devices. The second season saw a special premiere at the New York Comic Con on October 7, 2016, where an episode was shown at the Voltron panel. The second season premiered on Netflix on January 20, 2017, and consisted of 13 episodes.


Stream in HD Download in HD Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 7 Episode 13 With the future of Earth hanging in the balance, Voltron and the others come together to face a mysterious enemy unlike any they’ve ever seen. The Team, realizing Earth have been overtaken by Galra Forces, figures out how to hide their lions and head to earth without them. When there they meet up with old friends and family and start working on a plan to take Sendak down. Not having Voltron to fall back on for long stretches makes the writers’ success even more impressive — especially considering the season is a full 13 episodes and not the mini-seasons that.

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Chapter 6: The Feud


Garfle Warfle Snick!
New Episode
Season 1,984 • Episode 231

Contestants must complete games to accumulate quaz-cenbullion credits to win, or face eternity as a member of the studio audience.
Fun for the whole family!

Check your local galactic channel guide for listings.


Just as a warning, this is not beta’d

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Like every episode, Norlox welcomes us, the viewer, to 'Garfle Warfle Snick!', prompting the audience to cheer. He announces our favorite host, Bob, who flies out, sitting on his ever present floating lounger. Bob informs us that there are very special contestants on the show today, and introduces the Paladins of Voltron.

All five Paladins rise up out of the floor, extremely confused as to what’s going on. Just a moment ago they had been traveling in Voltron on their way back to Earth, now they appear to be the midst of an alien game show.

Bob comes over and asks for the Paladins to introduce themselves, bewildered by everything, Keith asks what this is. Bob chastises them for not listening to Norlax, and asks the audience to tell them the name of the show.

The cameraman switches to a view of the audience, where Shiro, Krolia, Romelle, Coran, and even Kosmo are sitting, just as confused as the Paladins. Surrounding them is an audience made out of Bobs who all answer the other Bob with a shout of “Garfle Warfle Snick!'.

With that out of the way, Bob once again asks for the Paladin’s names. Keith tells him, and asks how they got there; Bob dismisses his question with a joke, and continues asking the others for their names.

Once everyone is introduced, Bob begins the first game. He explains the usual rules, how they need to accumulate quaz-cenbullion credits to win, and informing them that if they don’t reach the stated amount, they will be trapped in the studio for all eternity.

The Paladins are stunned at his statement. Enraged, Keith says they won’t be wasting their time here, that the universe at stake, and they are leaving. However, Bob snaps his fingers, and the Paladins find their legs bound to the floor. Bob’s jolly behavior turns downright sinister as he tells them that they have been selected as guests on his show, and they will play it for as long as he wants them to. The Paladins, unnerved at the change of his behavior, agree.

Seeing the Paladins understand, he immediately snaps back to his normal jolly self, and calls Keith over for the first game.

Having heard the rules, Krolia turns to the others and says they have to help the Paladins out. She explains while Bob is focused on the game, they can attack. The others agree and stand, walking down one the aisle, only to return to their vacant seats from the other side. They are shocked and turn around, only to see their vacant seats behind them.

Refusing to give up, Krolia motions the isle below them, and they start hopping over the seats, much to the displeasure of the Bobs they are stepping over. Walking down several rows, they once again end up on the isle with their vacant seats. Realizing they are stuck here, the five sit down, angered and annoyed.

Pulling Keith up to the main stage, Bob explains the first game, Pictation. With it being like the human game, “Pictionary”, Keith is able to easily understand and play.

While Bob puts Keith through some extra humiliation by pulling his hair up and sticking a pacifier in his mouth, the Black Paladin takes it in stride and concentrates on the game as the timer starts.

Allura is able to guess his first drawing of an Arusan, while Pidge gets the second with his drawing of a Marmoran Blade. Lance figures out the third picture of a Bytor, and while Hunk guess the fourth being one of the Voltron Lions, Bob says he need to be more specific. Hunk tries to quickly list the different lions, as Keith draws some flames, but the time runs out before he can say the right one, so they don’t get that final point.

Bob talks to the audience some more, while Keith is returned to where the others are. Hunk apologizes, but Keith assures him it’s not his fault, and tells the Paladins that if the only way to get out of here it to play along, then fine, they are going to destroy Bob at his own games. They agree, and the five are fired up and ready to take the game show host down.

Returning to the Paladins, Bob picks Lance for the next game’s contestant, but breaks for a word from the show’s sponsors.

Download Voltron Season 7

In the audience, the others are still looking glum and annoyed, all except for Coran, who’s starting to enjoy the game.

Kosmo, sitting in one of the seats, teleports away only to reappear in the exact same spot.

Krolia, Romelle, and Shiro sigh in frustration as Coran claps with the audience Bobs as the show returns.

Coming back, Bob asks for the next game, which Norlax reveals to be “Garflater”. Bringing in a special guest, Bii-boh-Bi, Lance is told the rules. He must answer five questions correctly in Bii-Boh-Bi’s native language.

Lucky for him, Lance had learned a bit of the language in order to talk with fans during Voltron’s shows. He hopes it will be enough, and the Paladins encourage him on. Bob says there can’t be any communication between Lance and his team, and has an isolation shield dropped around him.

Bii-boh-Bi asks his questions, and Lance takes it slow, trying to answer. He gets all but the last one right, and is returned to his spot.

The others console him, and complain about having to answer in another language. Bob tells them that if they didn’t want to play the games, they shouldn’t have come on. Pidge snaps that he forced them here, but he ignores her and moves onto the next game, calling Hunk up.

Bob tells Hunk the rules for the game he gets to play; he's going to be shown a series of photos of people that the Paladins met on their journey, all he has to do is correctly name them. Hunk panics, saying they’ve met a lot of people, but Bob starts the game.

First up is Antok, who Hunk knows, but he has a hard time remember his name. He feels horrible, saying that he lost his life while helping the Paladins fight, and that his death really impacted Kolivan. Saying that triggers his name, and Hunk quickly says it.

The next is Swirn, who Hunk instantly remembers, explaining that she helped save him and Lance from being brainwashed, then helped take down a creature that was harvesting her people.

After her is N7, a cyborg Rebel friend of Matt’s who Hunk says he met and really got along with after the battle of Naxzela.

And the final image is Klaizap, who Hunk fondly remembers as the third alien he ever met.

With that, the game is over, and thanks to his caring and altruistic personality, the Paladin’s score was greatly boosted. The Paladin’s, as well as the rest of the group in the audience cheer for him.

Allura and Pidge are chosen for the final game, “Bankchannel”. The two must answer a series of questions as they run through an obstacle course. Every question wrong causes more obstacles to hinder their path. The goal is to get to the end line before the timer runs out.

The two start off and work together, Pidge answering the questions while Allura gets them through the obstacles.

However, halfway through the two put their own plan into motion. As Bob floats nearby, rather than helping Pidge over an obstacle, Allura turns and throws her at Bob, allowing her to tackle the host to the ground.

In the audience Krolia, Shiro, and Romelle excitedly cheer Pidge and Allura on, as Coran and the other Bobs stare in shock.

Pidge holds Bob down, as Allura runs over. They demand to be released, but an alarm starts blaring, and immediately the two girls are back with the other three Paladins at their podiums, everything having returned to normal.

Bob announces the final round of the game; the Paladins must vote for one of their team members to stay, trapped in the audience forever, while the others will be released. He gives them a moment to vote. The Paladins all glance at each other, the prospect of leaving one of their own behind is unthinkable. Slats come up, cutting their view of each other off. They all step up to their podium and take their pens, none of them hesitate with their answer. They all know who the right person to stay is.

Bob comes over for their answers, and one by one each of the Paladins reveal that they voted for themselves to be the one left behind.

Bob once again loses his cheerful personality as he sees this. The Paladins prepare for the worst, but he snaps back to normal and jolly self tells them that they all get to leave.

He then turns to us and ends the show, snapping his fingers and causing the Paladins to disappear in a flash of light.

With the Paladins gone, Norlox asks Bob why the anomaly he sent wasn’t enough. Bob says the anomaly was a trial, but this was the verdict.

Waking up in the Lions, Hunk complains about a horrible dream he just had. Pidge asks if it was about 'Garfle Warfle Snick', prompting everyone to realize it wasn’t a dream.

Lance asks what that whole thing was about, but before they can ponder, Keith, voice in a state of disbelief, tells the Paladins to look at their sensors.

They do, and stare in shock as they see that they have reached the Milky Way, despite having still been hundreds of light years off before being pulled into Garfle Warfle Snick.

Not willing to look a gift horse in the mouth, Keith gives the command to head home.



So, after the emotional turmoil of the previous stories, and the upcoming darker ones, we need a nice light-hearted story to break things up. However just because it’s lighthearted and fun, doesn’t mean it can’t help progress things in the story and characters. So, I changed some of the games, and who gets to play them, to do just that!

First, I hated how they made Lance look so flippant and uncaring about those who they’ve met by having him not remember their names. So, I changed that game to being played by Hunk, and used the Bii-Boh-Bi game to show that Lance actually cares about those he meets too.

So often Lance is shown interacting with the aliens in a way that makes it look like it’s all about his own self-admiration. Showing here that he actually takes the time to learn things about other species, including taking time to learn bits of their own language, shows that he cares about these peoples and tries connect with them.

And for Hunk, he is a character who is so caring and attentive, I thought not only would he remember the names of the people he’s met, but ways they might have made an impact on him.

The creators having the characters be so flippant with characters, especially ones like Antok who sacrificed his life for the Paladin’s cause, is a horrible thing to show. It’s important that the characters the Paladins meet during the events of this story mean something to them. Because if the Paladins can’t be bothered to remember the names of people who helped and died for them, why should we?

I changed the fourth game, to an obstacle course. I had some kind of “Legend of the Hidden Temple” Temple Run parody in my mind for it, with an added quiz element to it.

I mean, in the show Bob asks who is the “Brainiest” is, to which they all say Pidge; so why is the game mini golf? Because of that, and Allura being the strongest, I thought a team game where they could both use their strengths to get through would be fun.

Finally, I changed the last round for a couple of reasons. For one thing, I don’t like the characters didn't have any issue with just picking one person to go free. You would think that they would say something to each other, or try arguing with Bob about freeing the others. They are supposed to be close, without showing them have any heartache about picking one over the others makes them look like they don’t really care all that much.

By changing it to them having to pick one person to stay, we now get to see that what they said in the last story is true, without hesitation, they were each willing to be the one left behind. They would sacrifice their freedom, their lives for each other.

So, with this fun ‘filler’ story, not only have we shown deeper parts of these characters, by showing how they care and think about the peoples of the universe, but we have shown how much they all truly love each other.


I also didn’t want to leave Krolia, Shiro, Coran, Romelle, and Kosmo out of this story, as we spent most of the last one without them. They might not be Paladins, but they are a vital part of the team, and should not be left out all the time.

Having them in the audience and seeing their reactions to the ridiculousness would be a great way to have humor in the story. Least, I find it better then the “lol, Lance is dumb” ‘humor’ the episode had.

You could even make it worse for them by having them have to wear ridiculous costumes the whole time, giving a nod to shows like “Let’s make a deal”.


Now, about the end with Bob and Norlax ; one of the interviews with the show runners I remember seeing, mentioned that Bob was kind of like Voltron’s version of Q (from Star Trek). Being the Trekkie that I am, I wanted to play that up and imply that this ‘game show’ is Bob’s version of Q’s courtroom.
Both the anomaly in the previous episode and this event is Bob’s way of judging the Paladins; testing to see if they are worthy of their positions and if their bonds are strong enough to face what’s coming their way. Which they are.
Oh, and Bob should have totally been voiced by John de Lancie in the actual episode.

Thanks for reading, have a great day!

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Download Voltron Legendary Defender Season 8 with direct link

Download Voltron Legendary Defender Tv Serial

Serial Name: Voltron Legendary Defender
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Science Fiction
Broadcast Network : Netflix
Release years: 2016
Product Country: USA
Serial rating: 8.3 / 10
More information: IMDB
Director: _
Casts: Jeremy Shada , Bex Taylor-Klaus , Tyler Labine

5 teenagers from the earth named Keith, Lance, Hank, Pije and Shiro become the last hope of humanity to defend the earth against the evil forces led by King Zarkan and…

Voltron Legendary Defender Tv Series Direct Download Links

Season 8

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Season 7

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Season 6

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